TeaCup English Chat! (ROOM #6)
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Let's chat in English.

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ryujiro > Somewhere in Japan, someone is waiting me (10/8 tue 20:07:27 JST, 113x33x188x193.ap113.ftth.ucom.ne.jp)
ryujiro > hi (10/8 tue 20:05:43 JST, 113x33x188x193.ap113.ftth.ucom.ne.jp)
Sara > Hi (10/7 mon 05:15:46 JST,
CCCC > HI (10/4 fri 16:52:43 JST, softbank126079202152.bbtec.net)
ryujiro > I'll be back some day soon (10/3 thu 20:40:43 JST, 113x33x188x193.ap113.ftth.ucom.ne.jp)
ryujiro > Empty (10/3 thu 20:39:46 JST, 113x33x188x193.ap113.ftth.ucom.ne.jp)
ryujiro > Hi! Good evening, is anyone here? (10/3 thu 20:38:42 JST, 113x33x188x193.ap113.ftth.ucom.ne.jp)
kimio > Silly> The way to say that is クラブに入会する。Example:テニス部に入会する。 (9/30 mon 20:33:08 JST,
silly > thanks (9/18 wed 22:00:44 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
silly > when you say Join a club, do you say "会に入部しました" or "会を入部しました。" (9/18 wed 22:00:39 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
silly > Silly wait wait.... (9/18 wed 21:59:38 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
silly > Oh, I studied some more. Junko was an explorer. (9/18 wed 21:39:18 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
Silly > I found Junko Tabei, but she is more of a mountain climber than an explorer. (9/16 mon 21:10:59 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
Silly > Hey, do you know of a famous Japanese woman explorer? (9/16 mon 21:07:25 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
sunny > how's it going?all (9/12 thu 08:40:40 JST, g191.115-65-207.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
sunny > how are you?all (9/12 thu 08:39:44 JST, g191.115-65-207.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
kimio > Its so unfortunate to see how this site went from so active to a post once every now and again. This is unbearable (9/7 sat 23:18:24 JST,
sunny > anyone? (9/5 thu 15:05:43 JST, g191.115-65-207.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
sunny > how are you?all (9/5 thu 15:05:09 JST, g191.115-65-207.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
SIlly > Hello Witch. You are from the Europe? I thought you were from there. Right? (9/2 mon 12:58:14 JST, 207-68-214-103.nctc.net)
SIlly > Hello Sunny, you are very warm today (9/2 mon 12:55:33 JST, 207-68-214-103.nctc.net)
drownthewitch > Hello friends, it has been a while. (8/30 fri 15:48:49 JST, 77-173-133-86.fixed.kpn.net)
sunny > just now i was chat to robot (8/30 fri 11:06:32 JST, g89.220-213-21.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
sunny > (8/30 fri 11:04:24 JST, g89.220-213-21.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
sunny > just now i was chat to robot (8/30 fri 11:03:35 JST, g89.220-213-21.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
sunny > how have you been?all (8/30 fri 11:02:52 JST, g89.220-213-21.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
sunny > anyone? (8/30 fri 11:02:16 JST, g89.220-213-21.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
sunny > hi (8/30 fri 11:01:39 JST, g89.220-213-21.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
david > hello (8/25 sun 21:43:17 JST, brmb-14-b2-v4wan-170134-cust328.vm21.cable.virginm.net)
kimio > Cosmos>まだ結婚していないけど、婚約中です。 (8/22 thu 21:00:13 JST,
Cosmos > I remember Blue Sky better than Winter Sky (8/22 thu 14:55:17 JST, MEMBER)
Cosmos > kimio>結婚したんじゃなかった? (8/22 thu 14:46:18 JST, MEMBER)
Cosmos > When I first met you Keith your name was Kimio I remember (8/22 thu 14:42:07 JST, MEMBER)
Cosmos > In 2007, my name was Janet In 2008 I changed the name to Cosmos (8/22 thu 14:40:52 JST, MEMBER)
Cosmos > Silly>kimio is saying the air conditioner is now fixed (8/22 thu 14:33:54 JST, MEMBER)
nao > hii (8/21 wed 12:07:41 JST, 201-254-116-66.speedy.com.ar)
Silly > You can't be Chat Sempai, if your air con is broken. (8/21 wed 11:22:06 JST, 207-68-214-67.nctc.net)
Silly > Hey, I don't make the rules. I just know what some of them are. (8/21 wed 11:21:40 JST, 207-68-214-67.nctc.net)
kimio > Hey. I've been here almost as long LOL (8/20 tue 22:34:56 JST,
SIlly > No winter. Cosmos has always been the chat sempai. (8/19 mon 20:49:01 JST, 207-68-214-103.nctc.net)
WinterSky > Anyone still visiting this chat who spent time here around like 2007? Silly, probably? :) (8/18 sun 03:01:48 JST, 31-209-42-154.cust.bredband2.com)
WinterSky > Anyone still visiting this chat who spent time here around like 2007? Silly, probably? :) (8/18 sun 03:00:13 JST, 31-209-42-154.cust.bredband2.com)
Hajer > Hi everybody (8/17 sat 20:22:06 JST,
Hajer > Hi everybody (8/17 sat 20:21:36 JST,
Silly > I don't know how the real estate works in Japan. Maybe next time the air goes out you can stay with Cosmo for a couple of days? (8/17 sat 01:40:30 JST, 207-68-214-60.nctc.net)
kimio > @ TC owner (8/16 fri 00:45:54 JST,
kimio > or sell it to me (8/16 fri 00:45:41 JST,
kimio > This crap with the overly large text for Japanese text has been a problem for this site for 20 years. isn't the replaced owner going to do something about this crap? Update the damn site or sell it to (8/16 fri 00:45:31 JST,
kimio > 返事が遅くなってごめんね。今は一人暮らししてるよ。acはもう治ったから問題ないけど、今週末の台風はちょっと心配している。 (8/16 fri 00:44:17 JST,
Cosmos > Apartments don't usually have air conditioners. If they do, they were probably left there by the previous tenant (8/15 thu 22:03:35 JST, MEMBER)

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