TeaCup English Chat! (ROOM #6)
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Let's chat in English.

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Cosmos > It seems it's a bit different from Bulimia (7/25 thu 18:47:34 JST, MEMBER)
Cosmos > 食中毒=food poisoning but food addiction in Japanese is 食べ物依存症 (7/25 thu 18:43:44 JST, MEMBER)
Cosmos > It is deppending on the sentence for instance 働き損だね means It's a waste of time (7/25 thu 18:42:23 JST, MEMBER)
Cosmos > 業務の分担を打ち合わせる必要がある  I think 損だね is pronounced zon dane (7/25 thu 18:42:04 JST, MEMBER)
Cosmos > The correct Japanese to fill in the blank is this 自分の若い頃の姿を重ね合わせる (7/25 thu 18:41:20 JST, MEMBER)
Cosmos > I'm glad the stone was removed. Next time I'll go to the hospital to have the stent that was left in my ureter removed (7/25 thu 18:40:36 JST, MEMBER)
Cosmos > Thank you Silly I had a second surgery 3 weeks ago. After the surgery, the oozing sensation continued (7/25 thu 18:40:10 JST, MEMBER)
Silly > Thanks (7/24 wed 05:35:02 JST, 207-68-208-24.nctc.net)
Silly > not poison but addiction! (7/24 wed 05:34:55 JST, 207-68-208-24.nctc.net)
Silly > I got another one for you. How would you say food addiction? 食中毒 (7/24 wed 05:34:38 JST, 207-68-208-24.nctc.net)
Silly > how does that translate to english? (7/22 mon 19:21:03 JST, 207-68-208-24.nctc.net)
Silly > scentence + 損だね (7/22 mon 19:20:51 JST, 207-68-208-24.nctc.net)
Silly > what does the phrase ~ "son da ne" mean at the end of a sentence? (7/22 mon 19:20:08 JST, 207-68-208-24.nctc.net)
Silly > I got a new one for ya. (7/22 mon 19:19:26 JST, 207-68-208-24.nctc.net)
Jess > Oh sounds interesting:) (7/22 mon 00:12:46 JST,
Jess > Oh sounds interesting:) (7/19 fri 16:24:51 JST,
Jess > Oh sounds interesting:) (7/19 fri 05:52:58 JST,
Jess > Like ‘to glance at’ (7/19 fri 05:52:33 JST,
Silly > I don't know why, but I kind of like that show. (7/17 wed 12:22:58 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
Silly > I've been watching that old show about the wrestler taking care of his sick father and their family problems (7/17 wed 12:22:37 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
Silly > 早く良くなることを祈っています (7/17 wed 12:20:26 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
Silly > 頑張ってください (7/17 wed 12:18:07 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
Silly > Oi....Cosmo~Chan 大丈夫ですか 手術は成功でしたか (7/17 wed 12:17:45 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
Silly > doesn't make much sense to me. lol (7/17 wed 12:13:24 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
Silly > 担当者が自前に集まって、 業務の分担を blank 必要がある。 (7/17 wed 12:13:05 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
Silly > 自分の若いころの姿を blank、 共働きでがんばる娘夫婦を応援しよう (7/17 wed 12:12:56 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
Silly > 選択肢: 重ね合わせ 打ち合わせ 組み合わせ 問い合わせ 見合わせ (7/17 wed 12:12:44 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
Silly > It is a fill in the blank exercise: (7/17 wed 12:12:24 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
Jess > Like ‘to glance at’ (7/17 wed 03:29:04 JST,
Jess > Like ‘to glance at’ (7/17 wed 00:00:24 JST,
Germs > Hi (7/16 tue 10:51:25 JST,
kimio > Another way to say 'to glance at' is 人目で見る (7/13 sat 15:27:56 JST,
Jess > Like ‘to glance at’ (7/11 thu 03:12:24 JST,
kimio > Silly> Basically 見合わせる has a meaning of to exchange glances 'between two people' like you're in the same room and and look at each other to knowingly exchange an understanding look of some situation. (7/10 wed 23:41:21 JST,
kimio > Silly> I'm not sure what you want to say. Could you tell me in English first? I can help better this way :) (7/10 wed 23:39:28 JST,
silly > I have miawaseru as meaning exchange glance, put on hold, abandon or postpone (7/10 wed 11:17:59 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
silly > I have to use the right awaser verb and then change the form. (7/10 wed 11:16:37 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
silly > 担当者が事前に集まって、 業務の分担を見合わせるのが必要です。 (7/10 wed 11:16:11 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
silly > this one is correct right? (7/10 wed 11:14:23 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
silly > thanks (7/10 wed 11:11:38 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
silly > I think I have them mixed up. (7/10 wed 11:11:24 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
silly > or would 重ね合わせる be the correct answer? (7/10 wed 11:10:37 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
silly > 自分の若いころの姿を 見合わせった、 共働きでがんばる娘夫婦を応援しようと思った。 (7/10 wed 11:09:04 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
silly > does this make sense? (7/10 wed 11:08:55 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
silly > say, I am having some trouble with awaseru verbs (7/10 wed 11:08:37 JST, 207-68-210-67.nctc.net)
Jess > Hello again :) (7/1 mon 06:44:07 JST,
Giselle > Hi (7/1 mon 04:38:28 JST, adsl196-242-92-206-196.adsl196-3.iam.net.ma)
kary > hi (6/30 sun 22:59:18 JST, 28-131-17-190.fibertel.com.ar)
Twi > Um hello?? (6/30 sun 01:28:18 JST, broadband.actcorp.in)
Jess > Who ? (6/29 sat 00:45:24 JST,

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