TeaCup English Chat! (ROOM #6)
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Let's chat in English.

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Altair47 > Any active user here ? (2/12 wed 08:08:43 JST,
Altair47 > Hello (2/12 wed 08:08:21 JST,
Nick > hello (2/11 tue 02:40:10 JST, ip-095-223-185-119.um35.pools.vodafone-ip.de)
david > hello room (2/8 sat 17:43:51 JST,
Fuwano Shouta > I sincerely hope everybody is happy, healthy, and warm! (2/7 fri 07:41:06 JST, dynamic-acs-24-144-206-27.zoominternet.net)
Fuwano Shouta > Cool to see some familiar old faces in here! (2/7 fri 07:37:31 JST, dynamic-acs-24-144-206-27.zoominternet.net)
Altair > I had a lot of memories in this chat room and a lot of friends I wish you all well and healthy (2/6 thu 03:09:15 JST,
Altair > hello all (2/6 thu 03:07:24 JST,
kimio > Dimple> Asami passed away a number of years ago sad to say. Her daughter mentioned it on her mother's page on FB (1/31 fri 23:25:35 JST,
kimio > Dimple> Doing quite well here in Tokyo. Been busy as always but liking life these days :) How have you been? (1/31 fri 23:24:57 JST,
dimple > everyone> Take care and stay safe always. Talk soon! (1/31 fri 12:09:27 JST, KD027084184127.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp)
dimple > Terry> I miss chatters we met here at that time. I also wonder how is Asami doing? (1/31 fri 12:08:47 JST, KD027084184127.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp)
dimple > Kimio> Hello! How have you been doing? (1/31 fri 12:05:01 JST, KD027084184127.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp)
dimple > Hello Green room. And Hello to Terry! Yes, we are here again after many many years! (1/31 fri 12:03:06 JST, KD027084184127.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp)
kimio > Wow Terry AND Dimple! ltns! Hope all is well (1/30 thu 21:05:15 JST,
Terry > Hello Dimple - we are here again after so many years !! (1/30 thu 07:53:46 JST, host86-136-82-67.range86-136.btcentralplus.com)
dimple > Hello Green room! Hola Terry! (1/30 thu 00:13:18 JST, KD027084184127.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp)
Silly > Hey, how do you say a flower's bloom as a noun? (1/29 wed 21:52:39 JST, 207-68-219-130.nctc.net)
Arnaud > kino> btw, remind me where you live in Sweden, because I forgot it. (1/29 wed 21:05:35 JST,
Arnaud > Kino> Though, last days became warmer at last. How about you in Sweden ? (1/29 wed 21:05:11 JST,
Arnaud > Kino> This winter, we got a lot of frost (more than usually). My swimming pool was frozen and I even could ice skate on it almost. (1/29 wed 21:04:37 JST,
Arnaud > Kino> 2024 was quite awful about the weather here in France. A super short summer, a lot of rain and a real lack of sunshine. A nightmare for me... (1/29 wed 21:03:42 JST,
kenji > Hi Who is in Japan here? I would like to get to know you (1/27 mon 21:40:44 JST,
MALDEK > yo (1/26 sun 21:23:50 JST, 179.red-81-40-129.staticip.rima-tde.net)
Cotson > hello (1/20 mon 20:09:12 JST,
Cotson > hello (1/20 mon 20:09:10 JST,
ss > how are you?all (1/19 sun 13:23:26 JST, g66.115-65-253.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
ss > hi (1/19 sun 13:23:15 JST, g66.115-65-253.ppp.wakwak.ne.jp)
david > hello, anyone there? (1/18 sat 08:30:35 JST,
The Hobbit CR > Hello there! (1/17 fri 10:34:20 JST,
The Hobbit CR > Hello there! (1/17 fri 10:33:30 JST,
Silly > hey, if I ring a bell would it be ベルを鳴らしました! (1/16 thu 07:53:57 JST, 207-68-219-130.nctc.net)
Hypermage > Anyone here now? (1/15 wed 22:08:32 JST,
Hypermage > Hello, i would like to meet plz leave message. (1/15 wed 22:08:13 JST,
kimio > Silly. Its more correct / natural to say 屋上に蹄の音が聞こえてきた (12/21 sat 11:08:03 JST,
Kajin_GreenWood23 > hello how are y'all (12/20 fri 23:41:45 JST,
Kajin_GreenWood23 > hello (12/20 fri 04:33:33 JST,
A > I was here around 2011, I remember I was chatting in here when the 311 earthquake hit in Japan. (12/18 wed 10:15:15 JST, p8621177-ipngn39301marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp)
A > Omg this chat is still alive!!! (12/18 wed 10:14:17 JST, p8621177-ipngn39301marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp)
Kino > Arnaud Good evening! How's your weather? The cold is getting ancient here. (12/15 sun 02:01:17 JST,
Arnaud > Cosmos> oui, c'est vrai, ça fait un moment. Très occupé ces derniers temps. J'espère que tout va bien pour toi à Tokyo. (12/4 wed 19:53:36 JST,
Silly > I think I want to use 蹄の踏みつける as a noun? I heard the hoof stamping come from the roof? (12/4 wed 07:10:00 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
Silly > say, does this make sense, "僕は屋上から蹄の踏みつけるのような音を聞こえてきました。" (12/4 wed 07:09:22 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
Silly > it might work. (12/4 wed 07:08:58 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
Silly > Maybe, take a cruise to the Usa and have the surgery here. Two birds? vaction and surgery? (12/4 wed 07:08:48 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
Silly > If you can find a good surgeon, it will probably work out for you too. (12/4 wed 07:08:01 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
Silly > Anyway, I know a lot of people who have had knees done. And they are all rather happy. (12/4 wed 07:07:15 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
Silly > Hmmm...... (12/4 wed 07:06:31 JST, 207-68-219-236.nctc.net)
Cosmos > I sometimes hear old Macdonald songs, but Japanese people don't sing them (12/1 sun 12:22:12 JST, MEMBER)
Cosmos > I saw someone on the ship using a wheelchair I would rather have an artificial joint (12/1 sun 12:15:02 JST, MEMBER)

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